Friday, 3 August 2012



- Two similar male figures overlap with each other.
- Both left legs are a bit slanted to the side at about 45 degrees, while their right legs are facing to the front.
- Both figure bodies are facing forward to the front.
- First figure has both hands stretched outward at 90 degrees forming a 'cross' posture, with the legs tightened up together.
- Second figure has both hands and legs stretched outward forming an 'X' posture. 
- First figure fits in the square box, standing in the middle and having his hands stretched to the edge of the square shows a balanced/ symmetrical figure (it suggests 8-heads theory in height and width of human body proportion).
- Second figure fits in the circle with his arms and legs touching the edge of the circle.
- Both circle and square overlap with each other. 

- Why Leonardo did not draw both of his legs facing in front? We usually stand with both legs facing to the front. Instead, one of his legs is facing in front while the other leg is in a side view. What message was the artist trying to deliver? Was he trying to make it posing like the Egyptian figure for perfect view of all perspectives of the human body? If so, why the man's head is facing in front but not to the side? 

Lee Xue Mei 1104306

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