Friday, 31 August 2012

HoA_Borobudur Temple_NCG

Borobudur temple is built to represent many layers of Buddhist theory. From a birds eye view, the temple is in the shape of a traditional Buddhist mandala (an significant religious tradition art that represent sacred and divine) which cab be simultaneously related to Buddhist Cosmology. Hence, according to Buddhist Cosmologythe universe is divided in to three major zones that can be found in three parts of this temple.

  1. the hidden base (Kamadhatu)
    It designed in a pyramid shaped and  consists of 160 reliefs depicting scenes of Karmawibhangga Sutra, the law of cause and effect.
  2. the four square level of terrace (Rapadhatu)
    They contain tons of carved stone reliefs, as well as a chain of position containing statues of Buddha. In total there are 328 Buddhas on these levels.
  3. the three circular terrace and the center dome (Arupadhatu)The terraces contain circles of 72 stupas, an inverted bell shape, and many sculptures of Buddha, who face outward from the temple.
In my opinion, the relationship and similarity between the hero's journey and the Borobudur Temple that related to Buddhist cosmology will be journey of us, the common people. For instance, the desires and struggles of us, the common peoples that face every day whenever a task or temptation appears (woman as temptress/Kamadhatu), peoples and things that  going to help us to get through those difficulties to get ourselves free from temptations and desires from the phenomenal world and realize the true purpose of life(The meeting with Goddess and Apotheosis/Rapadhatu) and finally the true freedom and understanding of life and afterlife with the presence of God together( Master of Two World and Freedom to Live/Arupadhatu).

Wikipedia (August 1, 2012). Borobudur. Retrieved August 28, 2012, from

Picture Credit
The Temple of Borobudur. (2010). Retrieved August 28, 2012, from

Ng Cheng Ghee

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