Friday, 31 August 2012

HoA_Borobudur Temple_Aw Yong Ting Fong

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the 9th century measuring 123 x 123 meters. Borobudur was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in the complex. Millions of people are yearning to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages.Borobudur-shaped building with staircase punden consists of 10 levels. Height 42 meters before it was renovated and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level is used as a drag. Six lowest level of a square and three levels on top of a circle and one of the highest levels of Buddhist stupa facing to the west. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance madhhabs Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level as the Buddha had to through every level of life is.Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, Dynasty descendant dynasty. Based Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur is a place of worship was completed on 26 May 824, almost a hundred years from the time the construction. Architects who contributed to build this temple according to a story passed down through generations named Gunadharma.

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