Sunday, 10 June 2012


Name: Tang Wei Teng
Student ID:1107059

What is history?

Where did the word "history" originate from? History comes from a greek word meaning "what is known by     asking". The job of a historian is to ask questions and makes sense of a answer. The greeks were among the first people to write history based on first-hand reporting of the facts. Herodotus(who died in 425BCE)  wrote about the wars between the greeks and the persians. He travelled and talked to people who had taken part in the wars.

What is art?

The word "art" originally come from latin word "ars", which essentially means "arragement" or "to arrange". There is other tall tail behind the etymology of the word "art" came from the nickname of cavemen who invented it, Arthurous Glumphus, but the cavemen couldn't say his name so they called it art.

What is design?

For the word "design", it is originally derived from the latin word "signum", which means sign, and it is shares the same ancient root. Thus, design means "de-sign".

What do you want from this course?

I willing to learn more about art and design through the history of art, it might helping to improve my artwork quality wherever in study or working on future.

What do you want to be doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

For 5 years later, I will graduate from UTAR and hopefully can become a graphic designer or photographer. After 10 years, I wish that i could run my own art studio and of course get married with my lovers one. After 20 years, I'm to become a famous graphic designer among universe. Haha...

What do you hope to get from this particular class?

I hope can improve my ideas and technics for working on my artwork.

Is history of art and design necessary do you think for your larger goals?

Yes, I think it is necessary for me because learning everything need to start from the origin, so we could learn mistakes from the past.

Image of the most beautiful things for you, state your reason.

The image of the pupa is the most beautiful image for me because it is meaning hope and intent someone will rebirth and getting start a new journey for itself.

Image of the most ugly things for you, state your reason.

For me, the most ugly image is animal abuse image. It shows violence and inhuman ways that the human treat an animal. People hate animal abuse.

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