Friday, 8 June 2012


Aw Yong Ting Fong 1006312

What is History?
History is a nouns that showing the pass of something happen. Every history having their own story, not matter it is a sad ending or a happy ending, it will also become our history. History also helping us to get the knowledge in the past and teaching us some technique. Some people will because a history and change their life or attitude, maybe history is a very boring subject in our school life, but it is the prove that we have come to this world before, history is our story.

What is Art?
Art is a visual that is complete. As a designer, an art maybe is showing their attitude and emotional. Art not only is showing a visual, it also is an attitude. Someone attitude will make their life become fully or art, this not means their are artist, and it is showing their life is colourful. Nobody life is always fully black colour, so everyone life also will having an art, is only need to decide you want your life is more warm or cool.

What is Design?
Design is using a visual to communicate with others. A design will express a designer feeling directly. In design world, I think the best designer is god, because it design human that are owning a different emotional and attitude, all human have their special.

What do you want from this course?
The things i want from this course is I want to create my own history in Art and Design with the design that can express my feeling and knowing the past designer how their use design to express their feeling.

What do you want to doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
In 5 years, I would like to trying create a story board is talking about myself and create a business about design. In 10 years, I would like to push my own business, and can belong my own asset before 30years old. In 20 years, I want go travel around the world, to see the world that I dunno, just because I love freedom.

What do you hope to get from this particular class?
I hope to learn the way to create a simple design, but can express more feeling.

In history of art and design necessaries do you think for your target goals?
Yes, because through this subject maybe I will know which road is the road that I want walk in future.

Image beautiful to me
Because it was my son~~~~, I bought it yesterday, he call black soy~~

Picture ugly to me

I not so like this picture because I don't like be alone

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