Monday, 18 June 2012

Group Search: Follow You Bliss

Joseph Campbell’s “Monomyth” with his book the hero with thousand faces

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. In the beginning we will setup the hero (or heroine) and his story, then we throw something at him that is a great source of conflict and takes him into a trouble. After facing many problem and overcoming various difficult, the hero saves the day and wins the girl. 

Joseph Campbell is an american psychologist and mythological researcher. He found the heroic monomyth describes the common stages of a hero's journey found that can found in many stories. Joseph Campbell has his first described the monomyth in 1949 with his book name "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". However the nature of monomyth may not be appealing to everyone, it is very interesting to who actually taking time to learn about monomyth and how it applies to stories and movies in the modern world now. Here have some example that popular movies, stories, and comics such as the Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings. The protagonists in these movies always go through the same stages: Departure, Initiation, and Return.

There are 3 major stages on the hero's journey:
Stage 1: Departure

Call to adventure: It often refers how that the hero the receive the call to adventure. 
Refusal of the call: It refers to the hero whether he accept the call immediately or do not. Normally, the hero will be rejected as first because of some negative emotions such as fear, hesitation, sense of obligation and others possible reason due to his current situation.
Supernatural aid: It refers to who (the mentor and companion) or what (the talisman) will support and motivate the heroes as the hero travels on his journey and the reason about the support showed up.

Crossing the First Threshold:  The threshold refers to the obstacle when the hero ready to cross over from his familiar world (his home) to the unfamiliar territory. The obstacle (the threshold) will be guarded by a gatekeeper which will prevent the hero to cross over unless he defeats it.
Belly of the whale: This is the part shows as the hero crossed over the threshod, he will find himself in a whole new and darkness world where he will only find himself alone. From that, that is the time he shows his willingness to accept his fate and find a purpose to live and move on, eventually become a whole new person.

Stage 2: Initiation

 Road of Trials: This the part where the hero will face a lot of challenges and tests. Once or twice of failures will be occur in their challenge which will result in third times in order to succeed their tests.
The meeting with Goddess: It is the part where the hero will meet some  one with special character of beauty and power who will help him realize what is award will be waiting for him when he completed the quest.
Woman as Temptress: It refers to the temptation that will face by the hero which is lead to the failure or abandonment of his quest.
Atonement with the Father: Where the heroes encounter someone or something with incredible power
Apotheosis: Where the hero becomes selfless when he realize the true purpose of his life
The ultimate Boon: When the hero wish to share his new knowledge that acquired from apotheosis. Usually, the knowledge refers to immortality.

Stage 3: Return
Refusal of the Return:  After the hero has done his quest, he may stay in new world and not back to the place he began the journey. The hero believes that what the hero has learned on his journey in old world won’t accept and understand it.

The Magic Flight:  The hero may rather decide to return home after finishing his quest. He was accompanied by a protector who helps him to overcome the obstacles the hero might face as he returns home.

Rescue from Without: When on the way to return journey, the hero may must have powerful guides and rescuers to bring them back to everyday life from death and a state of helplessness and bliss.
Crossing of the Return Threshold: When the hero travel back to his home on his journey, the hero may cross again the return threshold and fight another gatekeeper to separating his home and the new world. 
Master of Two Worlds: After the hero had cross over the threshold, he had released that nothing change in his life. His home and the new world didn't separated. Now, he understand the differences and the balance of safety between his home and the new world. Through this understanding , he has balanced his mind and character.
Freedom to Live: Now the journey had completed, the hero has understanding about himself and he can stay freedom to live in his home and new world.

Caril Jung's Theory of archetypes
Archetypes=An archetype dereived from the Latin noun archetypum meaning first-moulded,beginning,origin is a symbollic term which refers to pattern of behaviour,or a prototype upon which others copied.Archetypes are often used in myth,legends and story telling.In psychology 

an archetype refers to a model of a persons behaviour.In term of analyzing a persons personality theres three types which archetypes are broadly referred to namedly stereotype,an epitome or a literary term to express details.The archetype also refers to a original version of a personality for example a mother figure may be considered as an archetype and can be indentified and recognizable the pattern of behaviour in various characters.The origins of the archetypal hypothesis date back as far as Plato. Jung himself compared archetypes to Platonic ideas. Plato's ideas were pure mental forms that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world. They were collective in the sense that they embodied the fundamental characteristics of a thing rather than its specific peculiarities.
The Platonist Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria used the term to describe the Imago Dei, and the Gallic Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons used the term to describe the act of Creation.

How does the the shift from a hunter-gathering economy to an agricultural change human society?
- Beginning around 8000 B.C.E., there are many human cultures became increasingly dependent on cultivated crops and domesticated animals to secure their supply of food. By 7000 B.C.E. sedentary agriculture was able to support towns such as Jericho and Catal Huyuk with populations of more than 1,000. While no one knows for certain what conditions caused the shift from hunting and gathering to sedentary agriculture, changes in the climate may have been significant factors. The settled societies, on the other hand, enjoyed much larger populations. Raising livestock in large numbers and harvesting large amounts of plants enabled them to obtain vastly greater nourishment than the foragers and hunter-gatherers, and thus they become more populous.

what does it mean about daily life?

From the internet definition, daily life means all the things that happen or that you do regularly. In research shows that daily life involved family, health, education and economy.
For me, daily life is the things you do everyday. Different people does different thing in their daily life. For adults, their daily life will be working to earn their living and expenses; for students will be go to school everyday; one thing we human share in common in what we do in our daily life is we eat, drink and do business. 

And how does that show up in the representative technologies employed by the two group?

For the hunter gatherer economy, hunting societies were so successful that they managed to drive many prey species to extinction using only stone spears as weapons. Now a day, Hunter-gatherer societies still survive in isolated regions of the earth inhabited by tribal peoples. These people often live in forest regions that are rich in game and forageable foods.
For the agricultural, it takes a lot of work to prepare the soil for planting and tend crops. Along with the extra work comes a surplus of food that can provide for larger populations. Cities developed which relied on the growing of various foods to supply them with energy. Agricultural societies were some of the first to employ slaves to do the backbreaking work of planting and harvesting. While, modern society does not rely on slave labor. People have become intelligent enough to devise machines to do the hard labor of plowing and planting. Our machines run on energy derived from petroleum, coal, nuclear, or hydro power. And we need the power of machines to plant and harvest our crops.We also live in building with water supplies by pumps and convenient facilities.

And what would be the difference we might expect in the shelter where people live?
A hunter-gatherer or forager society is one in which most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies which rely mainly on domesticated species. For the viewed in the proper time frame, the transition to agriculture was dramatic in term of the large number of people and the relatively short time period involved, as well as the enormous accompanying changes in the way people lived their lives. Slightly more than 10,000 years, the transition to agriculture began, and by 2,000 years the vast majority of people depended on agriculture as their main form of subsistences. So for hunter gather, it was traditionally identified by their tools: bow and arrow, atlatl, harpoon and projectile points. Even after agriculture became a major source of food, hunting and gathering of wild plants remained a large component of people's diets. People who tend stands of natural plants are called horticulturalists; those who farm are agriculturalists. Up until about fifty years ago, there were a few modern hunter-gatherer societies in the world today, such as the Ainu; however, they have pretty much all been made part of the modern market economy by way of the intrusion of plastics or clothing or metal which can only be retrieved from outside sources.
For agriculture,it also called farming or husbandry is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science. Agriculture generally speaking refers to human activities, although it is also observed in certain species of ant and termite.

What other aspect of culture would we expect?
Resource and economics are the other aspects of culture we would expect. During agricultural change society, humans start to live in a place for permanently. Humans start to form a community and after that, society. Not like hunter gathering economy, agricultural change society will have more stable food supply as they raise their own livestock. The resource of food gradually come from their own and not from hunting. For those who produce more food or other resources, they started a trading system called barter system. The person get something that he or she wanted by trading something that the opposite trader wanted. Since then, humans started to produce more thing for others' need so that they could trade for something that they wanted.

How would it be represented in their beliefs?
For hunter-gather society, they will beliefs more in soul and ghosts but agricultural may not. Agriculture will beliefs that farming spirits or soul and weather that  are to get more ideas for the concepts of food production and the essential spirit that nature of humanity are linked. Weather can help agriculture to improve farming get well.

Ng Cheng Ghee 1107247
Lee Xue Mei 1104306
Tang Wei Teng 1107059
Choong Pei Leh 1200813
Hah Fung Yung 1105244
Celine Khor Li Yinn 1101025
Aw Yong Ting Fong 1006312
Lim Xiao Fern 1002432
Lau Jun Hwa 1004352

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