Monday 30 July 2012

HoA_The Matrix_TWT_1107059

The Matrix and The Plato's Allegory of The Cave

In my opinion, the movie Matrix does have some similarities that fit to the criteria of the Plato's Allegory of The Cave. First of all, in Allegory of the Cave, Plato described that humans as prisoners were chained and only able to see things towards their eyes (referred to the shadows behind the fire) . In other words, they only can see things that are made believes and unable to explore the surrounding because of the immobility (the chain). In movie Matrix, humans are being captured in a stimulation world by machines which is made believed as their real world or reality (the shadows behind the fire). They were unable to notice and see the surrounding because they were born to believe their "fake" world is reality since their birth (the chain). After that, in Allegory of the Cave, one day, one of the prisoner was escaped and able to notice the surrounding him and started to see the light and eventually he realized that the world that he used to adapt was not the reality. Similarly, Neo, the main character of the movie Matrix, was able to awake and realize that he was taken into custody by the Matrix and he started to see the reality or the truth. Finally, according to the Allegory of the Cave , the escaped prisoner had their choice to choose whether come back and rescue the rest of the prisoner or remain staying inside or outside if they got out  because they scared they will fail their new life outside or shunned by other prisoners inside. Approximately,  in movie Matrix, Neo was having the hard time and struggled to accept the reality and the real motive of the existence of Matrix. However, he accepted it and made his decision to come back for rescue the rest of the prisoners in Matrix.

Tang Wei Teng

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